Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Phinley Doll Has Arrived at Diamond Outfitters!

The Threshers are pleased to announce a new product at Diamond Outfitters... a fantastic, cuddly Phinley doll!

Below (click to make it bigger) is Phinley with... Phinley!

Phinley (the smaller one) retails for just $15 and can be purchased when you next visit the shop!


Dianna said...

Oh those are adorable! Can we buy them online?

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't Phinley-related but... just saw that former Thresher J.A. Happ has been recalled by the Phillies from AAA.

Anonymous said...

That's a nice photo ... congratulations to whoever took that on a job well done!

If you like the Threshers click on my name in this comment to vote for this year's Threshers player awards.

Threshers PR said...


As of right now, they are only available in the store.

Anonymous said...

They can be ordered over the phone and shipped to you.

Anonymous said...


Tell Monica what a great job she did taking a picture of the Phinleys!


Anonymous said...

LOL...will do Dave. Will do!